
Hi, I’m Jaden, a 13-year-old who has loved animals ever since I was little. For as long as I can remember, I have wanted to help animals any way I can. My Bat Mitzvah is coming up in October of 2021 and I can’t wait. For a part of my Bat Mitzvah, I have to help out the community and with my love and care for animals, I naturally choose this.

Last year right before the pandemic hit, I started volunteering at the old humane society of Westchester, But because of covid and their renovation, I had to stop. now this year they aren’t accepting volunteers but I still wanted to help, so I created this website to help raise money and collect toys, food, and cleaning supplies to help out.

I hope and encourage you to donate money or drop off anything that is needed. Any information will be listed in the category “resources” up at the top. Thank you and have a nice day. :)